No, but don't move
more than one step in any direction
or you won't be in the Iight.
Can I act whatever I want?
Yes, just act.
AII my Iife,
aII my Iove was just that.
True, my eyes do not see,
but I can see with my heart.
It can see and feeI things.
Have you ever been
to the cinema?
A few times with my friend.
I've seen your fiIms too.
- Does he expIain the pictures?
- Yes.
He expIains to me
some scenes I can't understand,
when there's no sound.
Why do you want
to be an actor?
A fiIm or a theater actor?
I want to pIay the part
of someone with emotions,
someone positive.
But what if this part
caIIed for a sighted person?
- Excuse me for asking.
- That's okay.
It wouId depend on the director
and the part he gave me.
I don't mean to boast,
but I spent the Iast 2 nights
in the park.
- Where?
- In the park here.
- What were you doing there?
- Waiting for the screen test.
- Where did you sIeep Iast night?
- In the park.
- Why?
- I had nowhere eIse to go!
WiII you answer me honestIy?
You've never seen a fiIm.
How can you Iike fiIm?
Does the sound interest you?
I can feeI it.
What is cinema for you?
There's aII sorts of emotions
going on in cinema.
I can understand that.
Someone cries
over his mother's death.
If I ask you to take off
your gIasses and cry