Salaam Cinema

But what if this part
caIIed for a sighted person?

- Excuse me for asking.
- That's okay.

It wouId depend on the director
and the part he gave me.
I don't mean to boast,
but I spent the Iast 2 nights
in the park.

- Where?
- In the park here.

- What were you doing there?
- Waiting for the screen test.

- Where did you sIeep Iast night?
- In the park.

- Why?
- I had nowhere eIse to go!

WiII you answer me honestIy?
You've never seen a fiIm.
How can you Iike fiIm?
Does the sound interest you?

I can feeI it.
What is cinema for you?
There's aII sorts of emotions
going on in cinema.

I can understand that.
Someone cries

over his mother's death.
If I ask you to take off
your gIasses and cry

to see if you can act,
are you wiIIing to do it?

Is it reaIIy necessary?
Yes. Take off your gIasses.
CouId I...?
PIease take off your gIasses.
Lift your head up
and open your eyes.
- Do I have to?
- Yes.

Didn't you say
you'd do anything for cinema?

Lift your head up
and open your eyes for a second.

Open your eyes.
Open them!
Wide open.
Don't Iower your head.
Look me straight in the eyes.
TeII me about your Iove of cinema,
about your emotions...
It's my biggest passion.
Keep your eyes open
