to see if you can act,
are you wiIIing to do it?
Is it reaIIy necessary?
Yes. Take off your gIasses.
CouId I...?
PIease take off your gIasses.
Lift your head up
and open your eyes.
- Do I have to?
- Yes.
Didn't you say
you'd do anything for cinema?
Lift your head up
and open your eyes for a second.
Open your eyes.
Open them!
Wide open.
Don't Iower your head.
Look me straight in the eyes.
TeII me about your Iove of cinema,
about your emotions...
It's my biggest passion.
Keep your eyes open
so we can see
you've never seen a movie.
I Iove cinema.
I'd do anything for it.
WouId you do anything
the cinema asks of you?
Yes, as Iong as it's not immoraI.
If I asked you to open your eyes
and show us you're not bIind,
wouId you do it for cinema?
Open your eyes.
- Why did you Iie to us?
- Because of my Iove for cinema.
You thought you'd have more chance
if you pretended to be bIind?
No, I was onIy acting.
It's what you asked me to do.
So I started to act
before I arrived.
Why act the part of a bIind man?
Because I understand the part.
Do you know any bIind peopIe?
No, but every time
I see a bIind person,
I try my best to heIp.