Salaam Cinema

so we can see
you've never seen a movie.

I Iove cinema.
I'd do anything for it.
WouId you do anything
the cinema asks of you?
Yes, as Iong as it's not immoraI.
If I asked you to open your eyes
and show us you're not bIind,
wouId you do it for cinema?

Open your eyes.
- Why did you Iie to us?
- Because of my Iove for cinema.

You thought you'd have more chance
if you pretended to be bIind?

No, I was onIy acting.
It's what you asked me to do.
So I started to act
before I arrived.

Why act the part of a bIind man?
Because I understand the part.
Do you know any bIind peopIe?
No, but every time
I see a bIind person,

I try my best to heIp.
What if cinema was just this,
this reaIity you chose to act out,
wouId you be happy?

- You mean that was my part?
- Yes. That's aII there was to it.

- My part was just that?
- Yes.

Put your gIasses back on.
You can go now.

That's what cinema's aII about.
Can't I do any more fiIms?
You can,
but that's it for this fiIm.

I've no other part?
No. There's no more.
Are you pIeased?

Yes. Because I came
from a Iong way away.

- As a bIind man?
- Yes.

- And no one noticed you?
- No one.

So, if that's your part in the fiIm,
are you pIeased?

Once you have the forms,
stay apart and keep quiet.
