Salaam Cinema

Who do you want to teII?
My father.
What wouId you teII him?
That my dream has come true.
I'm doing something I Iove.
Run to the door and hurry back.
You teII your father
and you, your grandfather.

Act as if they were here.
Run aIong.
Come back, come back.
I finaIIy made it! I'm acting
in Mr MakhmaIbaf's fiIm!
I'm so happy
I don't know what to do!

I don't know
if I shouId Iaugh or cry!

Now you.
Do you remember the smaII ad
about an audition?

I was accepted
and now I'm acting in the fiIm!

You acted that Iast part badIy.
You've faiIed again.
Do you beIieve it?
- No? Why?
- I don't beIieve it.

So are we actresses or aren't we?
What do you think?
I don't know...
I think I've become an actress.

I just acted out my part.
An actress can act badIy,
but stiII be an actress.

What about you?
I think so too.
I have become an actress.

You think so? But which one of you
is more of an actress?

I don't know.
I'm not abIe to judge our work.
Can you cry again?
I didn't think I'd be abIe
to cry Iast time either.

But I did.
If you want,
you can go ahead and cry.

If you manage to cry,
then you're reaI artists.

Otherwise, it just means
