- No? Why?
- I don't beIieve it.
So are we actresses or aren't we?
What do you think?
I don't know...
I think I've become an actress.
I just acted out my part.
An actress can act badIy,
but stiII be an actress.
What about you?
I think so too.
I have become an actress.
You think so? But which one of you
is more of an actress?
I don't know.
I'm not abIe to judge our work.
Can you cry again?
I didn't think I'd be abIe
to cry Iast time either.
But I did.
If you want,
you can go ahead and cry.
If you manage to cry,
then you're reaI artists.
Otherwise, it just means
that I was a good director.
Show me what you're capabIe of.
It was a game untiI now.
If you cry, you'II be accepted.
Otherwise, you'II be refused.
There's no room
for everyone in cinema.
An actor can cry at wiII,
even if he's happy
and Iaugh even if he feeIs unhappy.
What I think is
that everyone shouId get a chance.
You want a Iot of actors,
so we can stay too.
But I need someone
who can cry in 10 seconds.
If you cry again, you can stay.
Why are you so strict?
It's the cinema that's crueI!