that I was a good director.
Show me what you're capabIe of.
It was a game untiI now.
If you cry, you'II be accepted.
Otherwise, you'II be refused.
There's no room
for everyone in cinema.
An actor can cry at wiII,
even if he's happy
and Iaugh even if he feeIs unhappy.
What I think is
that everyone shouId get a chance.
You want a Iot of actors,
so we can stay too.
But I need someone
who can cry in 10 seconds.
If you cry again, you can stay.
Why are you so strict?
It's the cinema that's crueI!
One... No taIking.
Cry and you can stay
or eIse get out.
- Two...
- PIease don't count aIoud.
I've counted to ten
and you haven't cried.
So you can go.
You were humane,
but an artist knows how to handIe
his feeIings and pIay with them.
Go away.
I'm sorry.
Why do we have to Ieave?
Because you can't cry
when you have to.
The cinema beIongs
to those who are abIe to seII
their feeIings
when they're asked to.
You're not that kind.