Hey. So, where is he?
He's in the back, making a deal.
Next time, let's meet
someplace private.
Cops have more to worry about
than the squid trade.
Oh, yeah? Assume the position,
you miserable techno-perv puke.
Beat it, fuckwad!
Max, I was with a client.
You think that's funny?
See that preppy puke's face?
Pissed all over his topsiders!
OK, it was funny,
but it could cost me money.
Come on, amigo. No one knows
how to work them like you do.
You could sell a rat's asshole
for a wedding ring.
I could.
- Let me buy you a drink. Bobby!
- Bobby!
Tequila, por favor. Double shots.
Make it a Tres Generaciones.
Nothing but the best for Lenny,
the finest cop to ever get
thrown off the vice squad.
- Fuck you.
- (Laughs)
Yeah. Nice tie.
- Thanks, Max.
- You dress like a fucking pimp.
- It cost more than your wardrobe.
- That's not saying much.
It's the one thing that stands
between me and the jungle.
The jungle, where some bird can cap
you in the head and ruin your day.
- You were lucky, Max.
- So darn lucky...
I wake up with a .22 in my brain and
a cop pension I can't live off of.