Richard, look after Tommy boy here
till he gets his feet wet.
Sure. And thanks for choosing me.
We're going home early today.
I got another surprise for ya.
Cool. Thanks, Dad.
It's called reading.
Top to bottom, left to right.
Grouped words together is a sentence.
Take Tylenol for any headaches,
Midol for any cramps.
Shut up.
- Can I open my eyes now, Dad?
- Son, quit covering your damn eyes.
Holy shnikes!
- Is that for me?
- No, son, that's for me.
Oh, man! Dad, she's like a ten.
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
This must be Tommy. Are you Tommy?
- I'm Tommy.
- I'm Beverly, and you are just adorable.
Son, I got an announcement to make.
Tom, I've asked Beverly to be my wife.
Whoa! Man!
What'd she say?
It's so cool that you're getting married
Saturday. Where'd you guys meet?
We met at a fat-farm spa-resort thing.
Beverly was one of the trainers.