- Can I open my eyes now, Dad?
- Son, quit covering your damn eyes.
Holy shnikes!
- Is that for me?
- No, son, that's for me.
Oh, man! Dad, she's like a ten.
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
This must be Tommy. Are you Tommy?
- I'm Tommy.
- I'm Beverly, and you are just adorable.
Son, I got an announcement to make.
Tom, I've asked Beverly to be my wife.
Whoa! Man!
What'd she say?
It's so cool that you're getting married
Saturday. Where'd you guys meet?
We met at a fat-farm spa-resort thing.
Beverly was one of the trainers.
In fact, the only trainer I didn't wanna
plant six feet under a lettuce patch.
Wait till you hear this, Tommy.
She's got a son.
He worked at the spa too.
He's a terrific guy. You'll like him. He's
coming here today for the wedding.
Tommy, it sounds funny, but my son
is going to be your new brother.
Brother? I'm gonna have a brother?
I've always dreamed of
having a brother!
- Speak of the devil.
- A brother!
- Brother?
- I'm Paul. You must be Tommy.
Brothers don't shake hands.
Brothers gotta hug.
I can't believe I have a whole
new family. This is awesome.