I was just kidding.
I have no idea where they live.
That was awesome.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're in real trouble.
Zalinsky Industries has an offer
on the table to buy us out.
But as you realise,
Callahan has been family-owned
since Tommy's great-grandfather
laid the first brick,
and I'll be damned if that'll
change on my watch.
If we sell while our value's high,
everyone who owns stock
stands to make a lot of money.
That includes you, Mrs Callahan.
You and Tommy are
the primary shareholders.
It seems vulgar to think of money
at a time like this.
I don't wanna hear the word "sell".
But we need that loan to keep us afloat
until we figure things out.
I'm sorry, Frank.
Tom got in way over his head
with the brake-pad division.
The bank can't put up any more money.
When Big Tom died,
Callahan Auto may have died with him.
If this factory goes under,
the whole town goes under.
That's when the whores come in.
- Here we go.
- Excuse me? What was that?
Men laying their trick money down.
$20 to pay the rent?
Maybe instead I'll spend it
on the whore.
Frank, I don't think we have any choice.
Maybe I can help. I'll give ya everything
I've got - my house, the stock.
If I give you that stuff as collateral,
will you give us that loan?
Well, yes, I suppose so.
What are you saying, Tommy? You just
wanna hand over your inheritance?
If it'll help get the brake pads going.
My dad said they were
the future at Callahan.
But who's going to sell them?
- I will. I'll go on my dad's sales trip.
- I'll be damned.
Whores running around doing their little
behind-shake for the menfolk.
I kind of like her idea.
For Christ's sake! Once, during the war,
I visited a prostitute.
My life has been a living hell ever since.
Do we really wanna put the future of
the company in Tommy's hands?