Tommy Boy

True. But you can't latch the hood
too well if you don't take the can out,

you no-selling waste of space!
I swear to God you're worthless!

I'm sorry about your car. But don't
call me worthless. I'm trying my best.

- I'm not my dad.
- You're not your dad.

He could sell a ketchup Popsicle
to a woman in white gloves.

- Ketchup Popsicle?
- I learned everything I know from him.

I didn't have a father,
and he looked out for me.

He was your dad,
and you took it for granted.

"I'm big-time son. He'll fix everything,
so I'm allowed to be a moron. "

That's it! Get out! Get out of the car!
It's go time - you and me.
Mommy, the rhino's close to the car!
Him too afraid to get out!
He just a little guy!

That's it. I'm gonna whale on you.
You're gonna regret this, Porky.
Hey, boys and girls, it's Papa Smurf!
- You don't want none of me.
- Gimme your best shot.

Let me have it.
That was it? You can do better
than that, Captain Limp Wrist.

Try again.
Hey, is there a window open?
I feel a draught.

If I'd wanted a kiss
I would've called your mother.

That was a good one.
Hey, Prehistoric Forest.
Richard, do I have a mark on my face?
It really hurts.

No. Nothing.
I thought I hit you in the shoulder.

My shoulder doesn't hurt much,
but my face does.

Right here.
Not here or here so much,
but right here.

Nope. Shipshape.
Waitress, could I get that shrimp
cocktail I saw in the glass case?

And you, what can I get...?
- Jesus, what happened to your face?
- I knew it. See, Richard?
