Tommy Boy

Hey, is there a window open?
I feel a draught.

If I'd wanted a kiss
I would've called your mother.

That was a good one.
Hey, Prehistoric Forest.
Richard, do I have a mark on my face?
It really hurts.

No. Nothing.
I thought I hit you in the shoulder.

My shoulder doesn't hurt much,
but my face does.

Right here.
Not here or here so much,
but right here.

Nope. Shipshape.
Waitress, could I get that shrimp
cocktail I saw in the glass case?

And you, what can I get...?
- Jesus, what happened to your face?
- I knew it. See, Richard?

I'll have chicken wings.
Kitchen's closed until dinner.
We've just got cold stuff and desserts.

Boy, some chicken wings would really
hit the spot. Are you sure it's closed?

Let me check.
- Yup, it's closed.
- OK.

I'll just have a sugar packet or two.
Hey, what's your name?
- Helen.
- That's nice. You look like a Helen.

Helen, we're both in sales. Let me tell
you why I suck as a salesman.

Let's say I go into some guy's office.
He's remotely interested in buying.

Well, then I get all excited.
I'm like JoJo, the Idiot Circus Boy

with a pretty new pet.
The pet is my possible sale.

Oh, my pretty little pet, I love you.
So I stroke it, and I pet it,
and I massage it.
I love my little naughty pet.
You're naughty!

Then I take my naughty pet, and I go...
