Toy Story

# I was livin' the life #
# Things were just the way
they should be #

# When from out of the sky
like a bomb #

# Comes some little punk
in a rocket #

# Now all of a sudden some
strange things are happening to m

Buzz Lightyear
to the rescue!

# Strange #
# Things are happening to me #
# Strange #
# Things #
-# Strange #
- Ha!

-# Things are happening to me #
# Ain't no doubt about it #
# I had friends
I had lots of friends #

# Now all my friends
are gone #

# And I'm doin'
the best I can #

- # I had power #
- # Power #

-# I was respected #
- # Respected #

# But not anymore #
# And I've lost the love
of the one #

# Whom I adore #
# Let me tell you 'bout it
Strange #

-# Things are happenin' to me #
# Strange #
# Things #
# Strange #
# Things are happen in'
# Ain't no doubt about it #
# Strange #
# Things #
# Strange #
-# Things #
Hey, who's got my hat?
