Toy Story

You couldn't handle Buzz cutting
in on your playtime, could you, Woody?

Didn't wanna face the fact that Buzz
just might be Andy's new favorite toy.

So you got rid of him.
Well, what if Andy starts playing
with me more, Woody, huh?

You gonna knock me
outta the window too?

- I don't think we should
give him the chance.
- There he is, men.

- Frag him!
- Let's string him up
by his pull string!

- I got dibs on his hat!
- Would you boys stop it!

- Tackle him!
- No, no, no! W-W-Wait!
I can explain everything!

Okay, Mom, be right down.
I've gotta get Buzz.

Mom, do you know
where Buzz is?

- No, I haven't seen him.
- Psst!

Andy, I'm heading out the door!
- But, Mom, I can't find him!
- Honey, just grab some other toy.
Now, come on!

Oh, okay.
I couldn't find my Buzz,
know I left him right there.

Honey, I'm sure he's around
You'll find him.

It's too short!
We need more monkeys!

There aren't any more!
That's the whole barrel!

Buzz, the monkeys
aren't working!

We're formulating another plan!
Stay calm!

Oh, where could he be?
- Can I help pump the gas?
- Sure! I'll even let you drive.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, when you're 16.

- Yuk, yuk, yuk! Funny, Mom.
Aw, great. How am I gonna convince
those guys it was an accident?

Buzz! Ha! You're alive!
This is great!
Oh, I'm saved! I'm saved.
