It's too short!
We need more monkeys!
There aren't any more!
That's the whole barrel!
Buzz, the monkeys
aren't working!
We're formulating another plan!
Stay calm!
Oh, where could he be?
- Can I help pump the gas?
- Sure! I'll even let you drive.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, when you're 16.
- Yuk, yuk, yuk! Funny, Mom.
Aw, great. How am I gonna convince
those guys it was an accident?
Buzz! Ha! You're alive!
This is great!
Oh, I'm saved! I'm saved.
Andy'll find you here;
he'll take us back to the room;
and then you can tell everyone
that this was all just a big mistake.
Huh? Right?
I just want you to know that even
though you tried to terminate me,
revenge is not an idea
we promote on my planet.
- Oh. Well, that's good.
- But we're not on my planet, are we?
- No.
Okay, come on!
You want a piece of me?
- Owww!
- Buzz, Buzz,
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.
- Aah-ouch!
- Next stop.
- Pizza Planet! Yeah!
- Andy!
Wh-- Doesn't he realize
that I'm not there?