Oh! Hi, Buzz!
Why don't you say hello
to the guys over there?
Hiya, fellas! To infinity and beyond!
Hey, look!
It's Buzz!
Hey, Buzz, let's show the guys
our new secret best friends handshake.
Give me five, man!
Something's screwy here.
So you see we're friends now, guys.
Aren't we, Buzz?
You bet. Give me a hug.
Ho-ho! Boy, I love you too.
See? It is Buzz.
- Now give back the lights, Potato Head.
- Wait just a minute.
- What are you tryin' to pull?
- Nothing!
- Oh, that is disgusting.
- Murderer!
- No! No, no, no, no, no!
- You murdering dog!
- It's not what you think. I swear!
- Save it for the jury.
I hope Sid pulls
your voice box out, ya creep.
No, no! No, no!
Don't leave! Don't leave!
Ya gotta help us, please! You don't
know what it's like over here!
Come on.
Let's get outta here.
Go back to your lives, citizens.
Show's over.
Come back! Slink!
Slink! Please!
Please! Listen to me!
No! No! Come back!
Buzz! Go away!
You disgusting freaks!
All right, back!
Back, you cannibals! Aah! Oof!
He is still alive, and you're
not gonna get him, you monsters!
What are you doin'?
Hey. Hey, they fixed you.
But-- But they're cannibals.
We saw them eat
those other toys.
Uh, sorry, l-l-l thought
that you were gonna--
You know, you know, eat my friend.
Hey, no, no, wait, hey!