Twelve Monkeys

- Are you going to save us ?
- How can I save you ?
This already happened.

I can't save you.
Nobody can.

I am simply trying to gather information
to help the people in the present...

trace the path of the virus.
- We're not in
the present now, Mr. Cole ?
- No.

1990 is the past. This already
happened. That's what I'm trying-

Mr. Cole ? Mr. Cole ?
You believe 1996
is the present then, is that it ?

No ! 1996 is the past too.
Listen to me. What l-

What l- What I need to do
is make a telephone call.

I can straighten this out
if I make a telephone call.

Who would you call ?
Who would straighten everything out ?

The scientists. They'll want to know
that they sent me to the wrong time.

I can leave a voice mail message
that they monitor from the present.

Can I just make
one telephone call, please ?

Please ?
What are you doin' in the dog bowl ?
Get outta there !

-Who put those Doritos in there anyway ?
Yes ? What ?
Voice mail ?

Look, I don't know-
Stop makin' that noise !

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

Is this a joke ?
I don't know any scientists.

Duanne, get out-
James who ?

Wasn't who you expected ?
No. It was some lady.
She didn't know anything.

Well, maybe it was
the wrong number.

No. That's why they chose me.
I remember things.

James, where did you grow up ?
Dr. Railly.
- I have the strangest feeling
I've met you before.

Wait. This is 1990. I'm supposed to be
leaving messages in 1996 !

It's not the right number yet !
That's the problem !
