Twelve Monkeys

I'm sure it was you.
What was the dream about ?
About an airport...
before everything happened.
It's the same dream
I always have.

When I was a kid.
And I was in it ?
What did I do ?
You were very upset.
You're always very upset
in the dream.

- Just never knew it was you.
- It wasn't me before, James.

It's become me now because of
what's happening.

Could you please untie me ?
No, I think it was always you.
Very strange.
You're flushed, and you were moaning.
I think you're running a fever.

What are you doing ?
In Fresno, California,
crews continue to attempt
to rescue nine-year-old Ricky Neuman.

And closer to home,
in Baltimore, Kathryn Railly,

prominent psychiatrist and the author
of a newly released book on insanity,

disappeared mysteriously last night
after a lecture at the university.

Former mental patient, James Cole,
is wanted for questioning...

regarding Dr. Railly's disappearance.
Authorities warn that Cole
has a history of violence...

and advise anyone spotting him
to notify authorities at once.

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