
A deer, son. That's a deer.
A deer?
But that's the way you draw horses.
It's a deer.
That can't be Jelena.
Calm down, son.
What is it?
Nothing. Just a fish.
I catched whoppers of a hundred
pounds here before the war.
God, I was terrified.
I was afraid something happened to Jelena.
You don't have to be afraid, my son.
I want to go back to the cellar.
When will they protect artists?
Who minds us?
We work night and day
for our comrades!
Our life is a real hell!
Caml down.
What do you mean, calm down?
Everybody could have been dead!
You do your work,
I'll do mine.
I can't do my work!
Make sure I can film and live!
My life was at stake!
I have to tell you something.
I wouldn't have said it while he was present.
He is responsible.
He is guilty.

The director.
He was always yelling; "Be naturally.
The more naturally, the more frightning."
And you can see, he got it his
natural and frightning way.
