Carl Lee Hailey knew what he was doing.
He slaughtered those men in cold blood.
Thank you.
I have no further questions.
Where is Roark?
I don't know.
The cross-examination,
Mr. Brigance?
We would request a recess until--
I must see you.
We will not need a recess,
but just a few moments.
When you and Lois Lane are ready....
Just a few questions.
Who do you work for?
The State of Mississippi.
In 11 years of service...
...how many trials did you testify
in that used the insanity defense?
This is my 46th trial.
46th trial.
Of those 46 trials...
...how many times have you testified
the defendant was legally insane?
The doctor cannot be asked...
...to recall all of his testimony
at those trials. It's absurd.
Thank you.
I can't remember.
Could the reason you
can't remember be...
...that in 1 1 years and 46 trials...
...you never saw a defendant
whom you found insane?
I can't recall at this time.
Can you recall testifying
at Dan Baker's trial?
Objection! This has nothing to
do with the proceedings here.
This better be good.
Thank you.
I'll ask again.
Can you recall testifying
at the trial of Dan Baker?
It's a rather brutal double homicide
where you found the defendant sane?
A dissenting psychiatrist
disagreed with you.