Here you are.
Hey Beavis, she touched my butt.
- Are you to heading for Las Vegas?
- Yeah, we`re gonna score.
l hope to score big there myself.
l`m mostly gonna be doing the slots.
l`m hoping to do some sluts, too.
- Do they have a lot of sluts in Vegas?
- You won`t know where to begin.
Butt-head, this chick is pretty cool.
She says there`s lots of sluts in Vegas.
lt`s so nice to meet young men
who are so well-mannered.
l`m gonna have money, a big-screen TV,
and there`s gonna be sluts everywhere.
- lt`s gonna rule.
- Well, that`s nice.
... forpre-flightsafetyinstructions.
To fasten your seatbelt,
insert the free end into the coupling.
``lnsert`` ...
Hi, can l help you with that?
- There you go. All set.
- l love you.
Cut it out! l want her to do it.
Come to Butt-head.
Flight attendants, prepare for take-off.
Hey, what`s going on?
- We`re gonna die! We`re all gonna die!
- Come to Butt-head.