Big Night

I kn ow.
So wh at's the pr oblem?
I know. I ju st want it to be...
I can 't, I can't, No.

I just want it to be.
for you and me to be, .,

okay, someth ing,
all ri ght?

I mean, I want for it
to be th e ri ght time, Ok ay?

I mean, becau se thi s i s
a very important thing, ok ay?

I know it, We'r e not...
It's not for me a casu al th ing, It's
okay, lik e that, It's not lik e th at.

I know it's not li k e that
for you eith e...

I want it to be, you know,
when the time is right,

Because now everything i s just too much.
and I ju st can't...

I just... I want it to...
I want us to be
when I am more set,

- Set?
- Yes.

Oh. So it's about fi n an ces,

It's about mon ey.
No, Ph yll is, it's not about money,
An d don 't mak e it sound lik e that,
Don't mak e it li k e... It's n ot I ik e th at,

'Cause I'm her e working, trying to do
something. It's very har d.

And th en my brother's driving me crazy,
Ok ay?

I'm just sayi n g that
it's about mon ey, yes, ok ay.

I'm sorry you don't under stan d money,
Yeah, I don't under stan d noney.
I work i n a bank.

What did you say?
I under stan d money,
Honey, I ju st...
All I want is for the ti me
to be right, ok ay?

And I want it to be ri ght for you,
An d the time,
it is not ri ght for you,

You un derstand what I mean?
