Big Night

No, Ph yll is, it's not about money,
An d don 't mak e it sound lik e that,
Don't mak e it li k e... It's n ot I ik e th at,

'Cause I'm her e working, trying to do
something. It's very har d.

And th en my brother's driving me crazy,
Ok ay?

I'm just sayi n g that
it's about mon ey, yes, ok ay.

I'm sorry you don't under stan d money,
Yeah, I don't under stan d noney.
I work i n a bank.

What did you say?
I under stan d money,
Honey, I ju st...
All I want is for the ti me
to be right, ok ay?

And I want it to be ri ght for you,
An d the time,
it is not ri ght for you,

You un derstand what I mean?
You know, .,
I don't th ink you know what you want,
I r eally don 't,
What do you mean?
Wh at do you want?
Do you know exactly what you want?

What do you want? You want me to ask you
to marry you right n ow?

- Is that a pr oposal?
- Wel I. No,

Do you want to marry ne?
- Do I want t o marry you?
- Yeah.

Yes, pr obably, someday.
Yes, in the futu re, I want to marry you,
Phyl lis, but n ot right now.

Thank you very much,
but no, not ri ght now,

I'm sorry,
