Big Night

- Unbelievable. Hu h?
- Some guy, huh?

Oh, boy, Ch eers.
Thank you very much,
You fu cking guy.
You see me over ther e?
You know, I shou Id be in the cir cus,

You got everythi n g you need?

- Charli e, you tak e car e of my friend,
- I'm all set.

I dropped my cigar ette.
I I ove thi s guy,
I r eally do,

You are I ik e my br oth er.
You are the best.
You ar e the best guy, you kn ow?

He i s the best guy,
and so fucking handsome,

Look at thi s suit.
Di d I see this befor e?

Cesar e. Table n u mber six.

Give th em a bottl e
of whatever they'r e havin g on the house,

An d don 't open it,
I'll be ther e in one minute,

- So, fucki n g gu y, you close early.
- Yes.

What happen ed?
Did you ru n out of food?

I nak e a jok e.
Pascal, I want to ask you,
can I talk to you?

Of cour se, Fr ee,
But I 'm not just me.
I am me and my brother.

You kn ow, so...

So you guys are not even thinkin g
about coming to work for me,

I should say, with me,
- Beli eve me, I thi n k about it, but...
- Yes, I see you th inking,

And I am flatter ed.
but my br other has ideas.

Ideas is ideas.
I had to convince hi n to come h ere
to h ave ou r own place,

Becau se I kn ow in Italy you work h ard
and ther e is n othing.

But h ere, you work hard and...
I kn ow,
