- Maybe th e best I ever see.
- He is th e best.
Yes, but., .
th is is what I have to say to you,
Give to peopl e wh at th ey want,
Th en later you can give them
what you want, Eh?
- Bel ieve me. I know.
- Hey, fucki n g guy.
You an d you r br oth er.
you come to work with me,
I know. But...
But the kin d of money you ask me for
I can't lend to you.
That's ok ay.
I under stan d,
and I'm sorry...
You know.
everyth ing has just,, .
become,, .
too much.
Hey, fucki n g guy.
Wh at i s thi s "too much, '" h u h?
Hey! It is n ever too much!
It's only not en ough!
Bite your teeth
into the ass of I ife, .,
and dr ag it to you!
Th at i s wh y I come her e to you,
you kn ow?
No, no. N o,
You don t need money,
Wh at I speak about
has noth ing to do with money.
Who's that?
- Hu mphrey Bogart,
- Humphr ey Bogart, that's right.
I'I I tell you a story.
Two years ago, h e was i n town,
I sent th e cham pagno, th e best,
to h im at h is hotel.
"Conpl iments of Pascal. '"
That's it, on my card,
li k e that,