Hey! It is n ever too much!
It's only not en ough!
Bite your teeth
into the ass of I ife, .,
and dr ag it to you!
Th at i s wh y I come her e to you,
you kn ow?
No, no. N o,
You don t need money,
Wh at I speak about
has noth ing to do with money.
Who's that?
- Hu mphrey Bogart,
- Humphr ey Bogart, that's right.
I'I I tell you a story.
Two years ago, h e was i n town,
I sent th e cham pagno, th e best,
to h im at h is hotel.
"Conpl iments of Pascal. '"
That's it, on my card,
li k e that,
"Compl iments of Pascal. '"
By hand I write, h uh?
Two days later, I get that pictur e
of h im, sign ed to me.
Now I ook at that pictu re ther e,
Go on,
Six months later.
Who do you see, .,
h aving a din n er
in this restaur ant?
- Humphrey Bogart,
- Hu mphr ey Bogart. You see?
See that?
That's me with Loui s Pri ma.
You know him, right?
Buona sera, buona sera
Yeah. He's a big jazz guy.
I love Loui s Pri ma.
Friend of mi n e,
He's in town n ext week.
You cook for hi m. Eh, for hi s ban d
on a night off.