- He's i n the fu cking r ain,
- Some people li k e the r ain.
Gabriella, go check the menus, please.
Pascal, let me ask you something,
If my br other knows th at you...
That cr adl e will not be r obbed by me,
I tell n othing. Th is is al I your s,
Hey, you kidding?
I love secr ets.
Secr ets mak e the fri en dship str on ger.
That son of a bitch fish man,
you see how he changes song?
Louis Prima at oir place tonight,
Boom! The best fish.
What's the matter?
Are you sick?
People should come
just for the food.
I know.
Primo, I need your hel p here. Okay?
Louis Prima is comi ng!
He's not ju st some guy! He's famous!
Famou s? Is h e good?
He's gr eat,
People should come
ju st fo. Th e food.
- They should come ju st for the food,
- I know that. I know,
But they don't.
Whoa. Cadi II ac!
The newest.
It's beautifu I. H u h?
Cadi llac,
Primo, tell her to mak e them,
you know, .,
somethi n g for tonight, ok ay?
Pri mo. Ask her if sh e wants
to come ton ight.
You can 't tell me this,
I h ad five order s to deliver,
I h ad five order s to deliver,
That's all I have t o say to you,
- Trou ble today?
- I won't even... No,