Listen, I don 't h ave you r i rises,
The del ivery didn 't come,
Somebody not do thei r job,
- Somebody di dn 't think it was important,
- That is even mor e worse,
Come on.
we'll find somethi n g else.
I th ink for toni ght, .,
my br other,
he want somethi n g...
- Speci al.
- Yes, yes,
Some bi g jazz guy comi n g,
Loui s Prima.
I love Loui s Pri ma.
- You know h im? He's good?
- Yes,
He's very good,
Boister ous,
- Lots of en ergy.
- Ah. Th at's good,
Uh. Wel I., .
something speci al.
Th ese are ni ce,
Listen, I'll tell you what,
I coul d probably get
somethi n g special together, .,
and I could bri n g it over to you
th is afternoon.
- How much does that leave?
- $62.47,
- Thank you, si r.
- Th an k you,
Ton ight you will close early?
I guess, Wh y?
Well, because I th ought,
the no del ivery,
Yeah, I guess I'll h ave to.
It doesn't matter, I started a new book.
So I'll probably go h ome
and get in th e tub.
Ah, good.
- Ok ay, thank you.
- Th an k you,
- Good luck t on ight,
- Yes, and thanks,
What is the story?
- I'm sorry?
- In the book.
Th e story in th e book,
- Oh, the pi on eers.
- Ah. The Wild West!
Buffalo Bil I.