Big Night

Listen, I'll tell you what,
I coul d probably get
somethi n g special together, .,

and I could bri n g it over to you
th is afternoon.

- How much does that leave?
- $62.47,

- Thank you, si r.
- Th an k you,

Ton ight you will close early?
I guess, Wh y?
Well, because I th ought,
the no del ivery,

Yeah, I guess I'll h ave to.
It doesn't matter, I started a new book.

So I'll probably go h ome
and get in th e tub.

Ah, good.
- Ok ay, thank you.
- Th an k you,

- Good luck t on ight,
- Yes, and thanks,

What is the story?
- I'm sorry?
- In the book.

Th e story in th e book,
- Oh, the pi on eers.
- Ah. The Wild West!

Buffalo Bil I.
Sort of.
Famili es on the tr ai I.

Yeah. Tou gh ti mes.
Well, times ar e always tough
for somebody.

Tou gh,
I'm takin g a I ong time her e, so., .
uh. Thank s., .

and I h ope you li k e the book.
The pioneer s are, you know, .,
ok ay.
Hey, boys, you go fishing?
Beautiful, huh?
Hey, boys, see you later, h u h?
