-Doyle had a bad accident.
Come here. l´ll show you.
Look at his wrist.
lt´s quivering.
Oh, my God! What happened?
l´m no doctor,
but l think he´s brain-dead.
Yeah, and?
ln tribute to Earth Day...
Doyle was on the couch trying
to take down the mahi-mahi...
and set it free!
Free Mahi-mahi...
if you will, and then kaboom !
Gravity snatched
the poor little boy...
and he fell down
like a rag doll.
ls this one of your
convenient little accidents?
Monique, look.
You call a huge welt
on the guy´s head an accident?
l can´t make that up.
Please let me out, Mommy...
or at least slide
another pancake under the door.
My poor Doyley.
l´ll nurse you.
OK, let´s play nurse.
l smell a scam.
No, that´s Doyley.
He´s got a quivery colon.
That´s cute.
You promised to help us
pick up trash today.
That´s what
Earth Day´s all about--
saving the environment.
you´re thinking too globally.
You have to act locally.
We need to stay here
and help Doyle merge...
on the road to recovery.
All right, Bud.
You win again.
Win? This isn´t a contest.
lt´s not a game here.
Give me a kiss.
What do you think?
lt´s not my fault
his brain cramped.
You little dick!
Brain cramp, my butt!
The only thing that hit
Doyle´s head is this book!
You cracked Doyle´s skull
to get out of this?
The book fell on him !
He fell on the book!
They collided!
Bullshit! lt´s just like you
to weasel out...
of your responsibilities
on Earth Day.
This is Hands Across America
all over again.
l had arthritis.
Farm Aid?
l had fleas.
The Save-the-Whales rally?
Salt water makes Doyle bloat.