and all of this
is your home now.
But remember,
the survival of this system...
is dependent upon homeostasis.
That means a balance...
an enclosed system itself.
Could we get some binoculars?
Let´s make a rule.
that you did at home...
you´re forbidden to do here.
Shave poochie poochie.
Shave poochie poochie.
-All right.
Don´t move.
l´ll be right back.
But l got a wicked itch
on my nads.
Don´t move.
l got a wicked itch on my nads.
Faulkner said don´t move.
l can´t take it anymore!
l can´t take it!
l guess this means
we´re our own tour guides.
All right, everybody...
do not feed the animals,
stay together...
and no flash photography.
And remember,
here at Bio-Dome...
we´re dependent on balancing
homos within the system.
Now everybody
stay with the group.
Follow me this way.
Jerk, you shouldn´t
have hit me so hard.
Oh, my God, come here.
Hey, there´s no knob here!
Oh, God, here we go.
Olivia, what´s with this door?
lt´s not opening.
Of course it won´t open.
That door won´t open again
for an entire year.
Nothing goes in or out.
Not even air.
lt would take a Sherman tank
to open that door.