Sir? We got one intact.
Let's go find the other one!
Move! Let's go!
Care for a Coke or something?
Two gunships just left McMurran,
headed this way.
Oh, wonderful!
- Don't worry about them.
- I worry.
What about the other pilot?
We saw him eject.
Captain Hale...
Well, I seriously doubt he's alive.
I punched him out
when we were scraping the valley floor.
A park ranger called in a report.
She saw a pilot come down
and was gonna look for him.
Find her.
I got it!
Hello! McMurran, come in!
Go, Max.
McMurran, come in. Over.
Max, are you there?
- McMurran?
- Max!
McMurran, come in!
Gonna open up the access panels.
Gonna drop in a couple of grenades.
It won't go nuclear,
but it will destroy the bomb.
And who's ever trying to steal it.
I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Chief.