[ Archie ] Seriously, Keats,
you blink, and l am out of here.
- Oh, really ?
- Yeah.
You show up to L.A., you got nothin'
but your dingdong in your hands.
Which reminds me, l gotta
take a leak right now.
Piss in your pants.
We're not stopping.
Piss in my pants ?
l haven't done that since l'm 24.
Seriously, man,
l gotta take a leak.
l gotta take a leak !
l gotta take a leak !
- You have 15 seconds.
- Fifteen seconds ain't gonna cut it.
l gotta unzip. l gotta shake.
That takes time.
You have ten seconds.
[ Mutters, Shouts ]
[ Unzipping, Urinating ]
l know you ain't
gonna believe me, but...
- that day you got shot, man,
that really was an accident !
- Time's up.
- l'm not finished !
- Yes, you are.
Come on. Wet pants.
[ Groans ]
- Get up !
- l got piss on me !
That was a big mistake, making me
piss my pants like that, man.
'Cause it's payback time.
l don't know when,
but l got a good feeling
it's when you're sleepin'.
'Cause l know you're
gonna sleep soon enough.
And then, guess what.
l'm gonna piss all over you.
See, that's worse.
lt's my piss on me right now.
You can deal with it
when it's your own piss.
But you're gonna have my piss on you,
and that's gross.
l'm gettin' other people
to piss on you.
l'm gettin' animals
to piss on you, man.
Cows, pigs. l'll get
a whole farm to piss on you.
What kind of
weird place is this ?
Hey, all right !
They got porno.