You're a piece of shit,
you know that, Keats ?
Sometimes l wish that bullet
really did kill you.
You better watch
what you say to me.
That's pretty sick, man. You pretend
to be my friend for a full year,
and then you bust my ass.
That takes somebody really cold-blooded,
man, somebody not even human.
l was doin' my job.
When are you gonna understand that ?
Yeah, well, now bringing me in
safe and sound is doin' your job !
And you're gonna do your job,
'cause that's the kind of cop you are.
Am l right,
Officer Keats ?
- You're right.
- [ Thud ]
[ Groaning ]
Now, in case you're wondering
why that hurt so much,
it's because l have a metal plate
in my head, compliments of you.
So from here on in, you better
watch what you say to me.
[ Archie ] Seriously, Keats,
you blink, and l am out of here.
- Oh, really ?
- Yeah.
You show up to L.A., you got nothin'
but your dingdong in your hands.
Which reminds me, l gotta
take a leak right now.
Piss in your pants.
We're not stopping.
Piss in my pants ?
l haven't done that since l'm 24.
Seriously, man,
l gotta take a leak.
l gotta take a leak !
l gotta take a leak !
- You have 15 seconds.
- Fifteen seconds ain't gonna cut it.
l gotta unzip. l gotta shake.
That takes time.
You have ten seconds.
[ Mutters, Shouts ]
[ Unzipping, Urinating ]
l know you ain't
gonna believe me, but...
- that day you got shot, man,
that really was an accident !
- Time's up.
- l'm not finished !
- Yes, you are.
Come on. Wet pants.
[ Groans ]
- Get up !
- l got piss on me !