I've got a Mauser in perfect shape.
Speak any Greek?
Ancient Greek. Literary.
Better than nothing...
Tell her she resembles my sister.
It puts 'em at ease.
Nothing smutty, OK?
My Greek won't do.
Try English.
Skip it, sonny.
If she can manage, so can I.
Midnight leave's up, lads.
Back to camp. On the double!
Sir, is it true about the big push?
Artillery's moving up
and they're saying...
I get it! The usual rubbish.
Sorry to interrupt, sir...
Just a minute.
I'm paying my respects to the lady.
Sit your pretty little ass
down here.
Got a room here?
What happened?
An attack on De Scève's sector.
Pretty nasty.
Shit! Conan!
Lt. Norbert, 2nd Company.
Get me the attack group.
Send a man out to find Conan
on the double!
You can hang up.
That knocked you for a loop, eh?