Capitaine Conan

Sorry to interrupt, sir...
Just a minute.
I'm paying my respects to the lady.

Sit your pretty little ass
down here.

Got a room here?
What happened?
An attack on De Scève's sector.
Pretty nasty.

Shit! Conan!
Lt. Norbert, 2nd Company.
Get me the attack group.

Send a man out to find Conan
on the double!

You can hang up.
That knocked you for a loop, eh?

They sent a motorbike
while you were having kittens.

Just when I was learning Greek!
Better eguipped than us!
The Boche supplied 'em
with new gear.

Half our privates have holes
in their trousers. Not these guys!

There aren't only Buls...
Must've been Boches too.

Nasty show!
De Scève didn't cop it with them.
Must be a prisoner.
We looked all over for him.

You looked, but I'll find him.
Sorry, Conan, but you're no longer
on your own.

The rumor was right:
It's the big push.

- Matter of hours.
- Meaning?

Your men join
a machine-gun unit.
You fight with the buddies.

The buddies will have to adapt!
