I don't know.
I hadn't thought about it.
You're gonna
get yourself a good meal.
You're gonna pass on that
double cheeseburger from Roy Rogers.
You're going to go to Dominic's
and get takeout, on me.
Get a decent meal.
But before you go to Dominic's,
go to Macy's...
...and get a chair...
...with legs and arms.
That apartment of yours...
...looks like it belongs
in a homeless file.
Then it's off to Crate & Barrel
for a knife...
...a fork, a spoon...
...and a glass while you're at it.
Then I'll need a dishwasher.
Just throw them out
after you finish eating.
It's on me.
Get a life.
I've got yours.
It's quite enough.
You read this?
Today's Times editorial?
"Judge or Be Judged"?
"Notwithstanding Judge Stern's
distinguished record...
...one must ask,
'Would he be on the bench...
...if he were not a former
law partner of the mayor's? '"
I didn't appoint him.
He was nominated like everybody else.
Everybody knows the party
arranges nomination of judges.
Whose side are you on?
I'm on yours...
...and I always will be.
But I smell a hanging party.
We should put
distance between ourselves...
...and Walter Stern.
- Distance is shit.
Distance is something you do
to your enemies.
It's the thing of the '90s to make
friends extinct. Distance...
...is the absence of menschkeit.
Translate that for me.
You don't know what
menschkeit means?
I don't.
You know, something between men.
It's about honor, character...
That's why it's Yiddish.
I didn't know you'd
taken up the language.
Abe laid it on me.
Abe's a good man.
You're a good man, Pappy.
Underneath that Louisiana...
...cane syrup...
...plain red dirt.
Not that different from the
pavements of Astoria, where I'm from.