City Hall

I didn't appoint him.
He was nominated like everybody else.

Everybody knows the party
arranges nomination of judges.

Whose side are you on?
I'm on yours...
...and I always will be.
But I smell a hanging party.

We should put
distance between ourselves...

...and Walter Stern.
- Distance is shit.

Distance is something you do
to your enemies.

It's the thing of the '90s to make
friends extinct. Distance...

:46:25 the absence of menschkeit.
Translate that for me.
You don't know what
menschkeit means?

I don't.
You know, something between men.
It's about honor, character...
That's why it's Yiddish.
I didn't know you'd
taken up the language.

Abe laid it on me.
Abe's a good man.
You're a good man, Pappy.
Underneath that Louisiana...
...cane syrup...
...plain red dirt.
Not that different from the
pavements of Astoria, where I'm from.

You and me...
...are sticking by
Judge Walter Stern.

Man, thou art dust...
...and to dust...
...thou shalt return.
If there's anything I can do...
...please feel free to call.
- Thank you.
- It's the least we can do.

Good morning.
Where's the mayor?

He had to go to Washington
on convention business.
