Talk to me.
Off the record, if you want.
Way, way off the record.
Rangers' honour.
How long you been back?
Six months.
And you...
you've been in the service how long?
17 years.
Ah, they got me running this inquiry...
on this girl pilot.
Captain Karen Walden.
She'll be the first woman
to get the Medal of Honour for combat.
Oh, boy.
And everybody in the beltway
wants a piece of this one, right?
I just want to get something clear.
This time, just want somebody to be a hero.
I want to get something right.
Cos Al Bathra, you know...
Al Bathra.
You talked to Boylar's parents?
Do they know?
They heard from a few of his friends.
Aw, Jesus...
You know...
They told Boylar's parents
he died from enemy fire.
I told them that.
I carried the message,
went to the funeral,
watched his mother cry her eyes out.
I stood there
and looked his father in the eye...
and told him
his son died brave under fire.
And I was the one
who gave the order to fire.
I did it.
Then the Army gave me a medal...
for bravery and valour.
Then they buried me...
in medals.
Got a sense of humour, don't they?
Can't remember anything else
except being in the Army.
Either being in it or wanting to be in it.