No, thank you.
You want it.
I can smell how much you want it.
It's coming out of your pores.
Tell me about the fire.
I like trains.
Since I was a kid.
Used to be iron, anyway.
When I got to boxing pro, I was going to
call myself Johnny "Night Train" Monfriez.
- Don't that have a nice ring to it?
- Very nice.
Don't humour me, man.
Say it like you mean it.
Don't humour me, either.
Tell me about the fire.
Where's my other bottle?
You ever kill anyone
at close range with a small arm, sir?
It's messy.
We're not talking...
one of your great big tank guns here.
Oh, that's OK.
I know what you did.
Your own men.
Guys under your command.
How'd it feel?
Bad, right?
Very bad, son.
Very bad.
And you didn't even mean to kill them.
I've been a good soldier.
A good soldier.
Listen to that whistle.
Johnny "Night Train" Monfriez.
Say it.
Johnny "Night Train" Monfriez.
Now get out.
You don't want to do this, son.
Let me help you.
- It's too late.
- It's never too late. Look at me.