Come on !
Come on !
[ Tires Squealing ]
Good afternoon.
Thirty-six channels and nothing's on.
Norman, one of these days you're
gonna surprise me with a new line.
[ Tires Squealing ]
Hey !
What ?
"Stop now ! You are being
tracked by Electroguard."
- What the hell is Electroguard ?
- [ Siren Wailing ]
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Tires Squealing ]
The guy's a goddamn genius.
Right into the tunnel.
I'll call Jersey.
[ Horns Honking ]
"This tunnel was drawn up
by Edward Trammel in 1918...
on a napkin
in a Manhattan tavern.
Work on the tunnel
began in 1921,
employing thousands
of Irish immigrants
nicknamed 'sandhogs.'
The tunnel, which runs
under 24 feet of riverbed
and 72 feet of water--"
Hey, Dad, how many vacations
did you take Linda on ?
Ashley, that's enough !
Honey, listen.
Linda's history.
We're a family again.
That's all that counts.
[ Horn Honking,
Tires Squealing ]
- Aaah !
- Christ !
- [ Beeping ]
- What the hell is that ?
Oh, we got a live one here.
- Get a crew ready.
- All Jersey units,
requesting north tube roadblock.
- Black Cadillac now passing
through station seven.
- I want you, putz !