Dear God

I don't want to brag
about my stupid accomplishments.

"I did this, I did that." It's...
Your Honour, enough is enough.
If he won't accept a plea...

- I suggest all charges be dropped.
- Substantial jail time...!

One moment, Bob.
Did you say, "Drop the charges"?

I think that was me, yeah.
"Drop the charges."
Approach the bench. Please.
Do you get your pants
custom tailored?

You probably have to,
with a set of balls that big.

Drop the charges?
What a set they must be!

Huge and shiny, I'll wager.
I've always wanted balls like that.

Where did you get yours?
We'll talk more later.

For now, get back to that spot!
Now, you can demand a trial
or in lieu of a plea, you can accept
the recommendation of this court.

What this court recommends
is that you, the defendant,

Tom Turner, AKA, Tom the Preacher,
Tom the Con and Tom the Worm,
you, sir, have one week
to find a job.

A real job. Nine to five,
five days a week, for a year.

Nine to five?
That seems a bit excessive.

If this record showed
you were selling drugs as well...

- His punishment is to get a job?
- In my opinion, we should cane him!

Do you have any idea how hard honest,
working people break their backs

to earn the dollars out of which
you so blithely con them?

I implore you, take this opportunity
to use the innocent apple-pie face

and the fine mind
God has obviously given you,

for something better,
for something decent,

for all the people
whose trust you've crushed.

By the way, if you choose
not to work, you will go to jail.

So, which will it be?
