Target at 160, sir. Five-knot aiding wind.
- Delivery seven.
- We have a shooting solution.
More to the point, I simply don't
approve of his command style.
He's impulsive. He's often undisciplined,
even reckless at times.
Fire one!
Get up there, you miserable little puke.
It's a fine shot, sir.
Well, what the heck?
Why don't we pull in so you can putt out?
I will simply remind the selection board
of one irrefutable fact
that seems to sum up Dodge's character.
There is physical evidence that as an ensign
Dodge became so physically intoxicated
that he not only allowed
himself to be tattooed,
but tattooed on his genitalia.
Now, call me a prude if you want,
but I don't think it's good policy for the navy
to hand over a billion-dollar
piece of equipment
to a man who has "Welcome Aboard"
tattooed on his penis.
After 80 days under the ice pack
I thought some recreation might be in order.
- Priority message, sir.
- I was not endangering the boat.
Your actions were totally inappropriate.
It's not the way a prospective captain acts.
A failing noted more than once in your fit rep.
As much as I like to see my men advance,
I have an obligation to be as honest as I can.
- Then I'm in trouble.
- This is entirely of your own making.
This is a confirmed kill.
20 years down the fucking drain.