No, just a couple of biologics, sir.
Would you like to listen?
No, I'll pass on that, thanks.
What are these tapes you got here?
Those are whales, sir.
I tape them, try to learn their language.
Just basic chitchat and so on.
I do their hailing call against the hull.
Sometimes they actually answer back.
Had a nice young couple alongside
two or three hours ago.
If you hear them talking about the new
nuclear attack sub in town, let me know.
Aye-aye, sir.
Conn-sonar. I've got a noise level
bearing 3-4-6 that may be a contact.
But it's pretty shallow to be a sub.
Make normal one-third turns.
Come right at 3-4-6.
Try to get a definitive classification.
Secure the engines.
Periscope depth. Answer bells on batteries.
- I want to hear if anybody's out there.
- Aye, sir. Kill the engines.
Captain, we've lost the contact.
- Continue course and speed.
- Aye, sir. Continue course and speed.
Sonar originally classified this contact
as a possible submarine.
- Now they think it was a diesel engine.
- If it's a diesel contact, then it's not a sub.
Aye, sir.
Wait. Better check it outjust to make sure.
- Bring me to single-ping range.
- That'll give away our position.
Minimal risk with this contact.
Single-ping range, please.
Jeez! Just been pinged big time, sir.
Bearing 0-3-0.
That didn't take long. This could be
the shortest command stint in history.
I knew we shouldn't have
come in from the south.
Nice tactics, Captain Custer.
We should be home in a couple of hours.