A party is a party.
But a party on a summer's eve, mmm !
It reIieves my mind
very much that you are here.
For there is someone new in our group.
Her name is Harriet Smith.
And she is a former pupiI
of Mrs. Goddard's.
I had never met Miss Smith
before this evening...
and I'm aIready struck
by her charm.
I wondered
if I might ask you...
to make certain she is at ease
throughout the evening.
If heIping Miss Smith
wouId heIp Miss Woodhouse,
then I'm happy
to be of service.
I shaII make the introduction.
Miss Woodhouse,
we come quite overpowered.
Oh, Mrs. Bates, Miss Bates.
So happy you couId come.
[ Miss Bates ]
No ! We are the happy ones.
W-WeII, how do you do,
Mr. EIton ?
We are the happy ones,
not onIy to be here tonight,
but for the beautifuI
hindquarter of pork you sent us.
It has been heaven itseIf. What
a happy porker it must have come from !
We're so obIiged
for your sending it to us.
Pork ! And we're so obIiged
for your having us tonight.
Very much indeed. I was
just saying to Mother, we shouId
be obIiged and indeed we are.
Oh, doesn't your hair Iook pretty ?
Just Iike an angeI.
AngeI, Mother !
Oh, speaking of angeIs,
Mr. EIton,
your sermon on DanieI in the Iion's den
was so inspiring.
So powerfuI in aII its particuIars.
It Ieft us speechIess.
Quite speechIess, I teII you.
We have not stopped taIking of it since.
Isn't this a IoveIy party ?
LoveIy ! LoveIy ! LoveIy !
Where wiII you Iive now that
you've compIeted your education ?
Mrs. Goddard has been kind enough
to Iet me stay on with her.
- She's a great heIp to me.
If you'II excuse me.
- [ Woodhouse ] Mrs. Goddard.
- Mr. KnightIey.
- Ah, Emma. I wondered where you were.
But now I see you've been hard at work
making Mr. EIton comfortabIe.
Yes, but I've been remiss
in doing the one thing...
that shaII bring him
the greatest enjoyment.
[ Emma ]
Mr. EIton.