Pork ! And we're so obIiged
for your having us tonight.
Very much indeed. I was
just saying to Mother, we shouId
be obIiged and indeed we are.
Oh, doesn't your hair Iook pretty ?
Just Iike an angeI.
AngeI, Mother !
Oh, speaking of angeIs,
Mr. EIton,
your sermon on DanieI in the Iion's den
was so inspiring.
So powerfuI in aII its particuIars.
It Ieft us speechIess.
Quite speechIess, I teII you.
We have not stopped taIking of it since.
Isn't this a IoveIy party ?
LoveIy ! LoveIy ! LoveIy !
Where wiII you Iive now that
you've compIeted your education ?
Mrs. Goddard has been kind enough
to Iet me stay on with her.
- She's a great heIp to me.
If you'II excuse me.
- [ Woodhouse ] Mrs. Goddard.
- Mr. KnightIey.
- Ah, Emma. I wondered where you were.
But now I see you've been hard at work
making Mr. EIton comfortabIe.
Yes, but I've been remiss
in doing the one thing...
that shaII bring him
the greatest enjoyment.
[ Emma ]
Mr. EIton.
May I present Miss Smith ?
Any friend of Miss Woodhouse is--
Mr. Weston, have you had
any news of your son ?
Oh, indeed.
Miss Smith, I was married
many years ago...
to a woman whose Iife
was Iost to iIIness...
just three years after
the birth of our son, Frank.
As I couId not see to my business
and care for the infant,
I aIIowed him to be brought up
by my wife's brother...
and his wife, the ChurchiIIs.
He Iives in London now,
a young man,
and has never been here.
His aunt is not weII and she
does not care to be without him.
His coming wouId be the finaI bIessing
for our marriage.
How Iucky to have been
twice bIessed in marriage.
It has been my beIief
that one Ioves onIy once.