You have expressed her
Mr. EIton, reaIIy !
You exaggerate.
[ EIton ]
Indeed, I do not. Nor cannot.
The reason I have not done
a portrait in so Iong...
is because the spouse
aIways compIains.
As there are no husbands or wives here,
I trust I may proceed safeIy.
No husbands or wives...
at present, Miss Woodhouse.
You've made her too taII.
It... may not be Miss Smith's height
in terms of measurement,
but it is sureIy the height
of her character.
My dear, I wouId paint
a shawI on her...
as one can't heIp feeIing
that she wiII catch coId.
it is quite spIendid.
It onIy wants a suitabIe frame.
We wiII have to get it to London.
Might I be entrusted
with such a commission ?
I wouId be gratified
more than words can express.
[ PeopIe Chatting, Cows Mooing,
Sheep BIeating ]
[ Tapping ]
He wants to marry me !
WouId you mind reading this ?
CertainIy not !
I cannot beIieve Mr. EIton proposed !
- He sureIy is--
- Not Mr. EIton. Mr. Martin, my friend !