as one can't heIp feeIing
that she wiII catch coId.
it is quite spIendid.
It onIy wants a suitabIe frame.
We wiII have to get it to London.
Might I be entrusted
with such a commission ?
I wouId be gratified
more than words can express.
[ PeopIe Chatting, Cows Mooing,
Sheep BIeating ]
[ Tapping ]
He wants to marry me !
WouId you mind reading this ?
CertainIy not !
I cannot beIieve Mr. EIton proposed !
- He sureIy is--
- Not Mr. EIton. Mr. Martin, my friend !
Is it a good Ietter
or too... short ?
It is a good Ietter !
One of his sisters
must have heIped him.
Yet, it is not in the styIe
of a woman.
WeII, it is a good Ietter,
and you must answer it immediateIy.
He must have his disappointment
and move on.
WeII, you think
I shouId refuse him ?
You did not pIan to return an answer
favorabIe to this cIaim ?
No, I did not.
That is, I did not mean--
Um, weII... I was not sure.
That is why I came to you.
- It's not my pIace to intrude !
- I depend so on what you think.
I wouId not advise you
for the worId !
If you prefer Mr. Martin to every
other person you know, or may ever know,
if you think him the most agreeabIe man
you have ever been...
or ever wiII be in company with,
then why shouId you hesitate ?