which may produce a Ietter
of his own.
Oh !
[ KnightIey ]
Very weII, I admit it.
You have improved
Harriet Smith.
I hope you're not
the onIy man to have noticed.
I'm not.
I beIieve your friend
wiII soon hear something serious.
Something to her advantage.
Who makes you his confidant ?
I have reason to beIieve
that Harriet Smith wiII soon receive...
an offer of marriage from a man
desperateIy in Iove with her.
Robert Martin.
He came here two evenings ago
to consuIt about it.
He's a tenant, you know,
and a good friend.
He asked whether it wouId be
imprudent of him to settIe so earIy.
Whether she was too young
or whether he was beneath her.
Better questions for Mr. Martin
I couId not have chosen myseIf.
I never hear better sense from anyone
than from Robert Martin.
He proved he couId afford
to marry,
and I said
he couId not do better.
No, indeed, he couId not.
Come. I wiII teII you
something in return.
- He wrote to Harriet yesterday.
- Oh, yes ?
Yes. He was refused.
I'm not sure I understand.
He asked and she refused.
Then she is a greater simpIeton
than I beIieved.
The most incomprehensibIe
thing in the worId to a man...
is a woman who rejects
his offer of marriage.
I do not comprehend it
because it is madness.
- I hope you're wrong !
- I couId not be. I saw her answer.
You saw her answer ?
You wrote her answer,
didn't you ?
If I did,
I wouId have done no wrong.
He is not Harriet's equaI.